Use BiZZdesign HoriZZon to support architectural review
The Architectural Review process can often be onerous and cumbersome. BiZZdesign HoriZZon supports this task and actually accelerates the processing of requests as well as drive self-service.
Join us for an in-depth examination of the architecture review process and how it is facilitated by BiZZdesign’s HoriZZon platform.
Tune into the Tech Talk to learn how you can use HoriZZon to:
- Manage the intake and assessment of requests that need architectural review
- Manage workload distribution across architects
- Determine and report on assessment status as they progress through the process
- Facilitate self-service within the ARB process
About the Presenter:

Dan Belville
Pre-Sales Consultant, BiZZdesign
Dan has over 35 years of experience in Information Technology. His passion over the past 21 years has been Enterprise Architecture and Strategic Planning, where he has held several roles including Enterprise Architect, Enterprise Solution Consultant, Senior Practice Director, and Senior Pre-sales Consultant.