BiZZdesign Connect 2020

Architecting for Success

How to Put Architecture to Work in Complex and Challenging Environments

With the COVID-19 pandemic disrupting the world, businesses are rethinking what they do and how. For Shell, the long-term, global shifts urgently needed to tackle climate change create a further challenge.

During this presentation, Jeroen Scheer, Leader Digital & IT Strategy & Architecture at Shell, will talk about the role of Architecture and how his team helps Shell tackle the challenges that the energy transition brings.

About the Presenter:

Jeroen Scheer
Leader Digital & IT Strategy and Architecture, Shell

In his role at Shell, Jeroen Scheer establishes clear strategic and tactical directions as well as architectures for their main business value streams. He is recognized worldwide as one of the core digital leaders and architects managing the transition of smart cities and communities, the energy sector, and the grid in a transition that brings one of a very complex ecosystem from a rather mechanical entity to the age of digital.

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