Capability-Based Planning with ArchiMate

Capability-Based Planning is a growing practice in the field of enterprise architecture

The success of Capability-Based Planning is due to the fact that it provides actual value to practitioners and the organizations that employs them.

Indeed, Capability-Based Planning helps in a number of ways, from providing a clear understanding of existing capabilities to promoting effective Business-IT alignment. Considering these benefits, we thought it useful to address this practice and bring some clarity to the subject for the benefit of all who might not yet have a good handle on the topic in this paper.

Download the white paper to gain insights into the effects of strategic decisions, and uncover new options and innovations provided by the resources you employ. Planning, executing and controlling change across your enterprise has never been easier!

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"Using a solution like HoriZZon and employing enterprise architecture techniques enabled us to achieve a clear understanding of the most important business services and successfully map out their dependencies across various dimensions of the enterprise – people, processes, technology, place."

Chris Dalby, Head of Operational Excellence, MS Amlin

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