The Open Group Webinar: Model-Based Strategy Realization

Building a Line of Sight from Strategic Goals to Concrete Change

This webinar will show you how the validation and implementation of your business strategy can be supported by a combination of strategy modeling, capability-based planning, Enterprise Architecture and portfolio management. Strategy modeling enables the formalization and focus of the business strategy towards goals. Furthermore, it enables traceable steps in the entire trajectory of strategy execution. Capability-based planning is centered on realizing strategic goals by focusing on what an organization can do, rather than how it can do this. With this, business leaders can plan organizational change based on business outcomes, rather than projects, processes and applications. 

Enterprise Architecture ensures enterprise-wide coherence and facilitates planning. And enterprise portfolio management supports prioritization and decision making on the requisite assets and change initiatives that realize the envisaged architecture and capabilities. Together, these disciplines support a clear line of sight from business goals to their realization.

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